On Thursday, 8 September 2022, Hometown Australia supported R U OK? Day with a spread of morning teas, BBQs and luncheons. In a sea of yellow, residents came together across many of the communities to show their support and ask fellow neighbours and friends R U OK? Let’s take a look at how some of Hometown Australia’s communities and residents supported R U OK? Day 2022.
“The sun was shining over Nepean Shores as we hosted an R U OK? Day BBQ lunch for residents. We enjoyed a great turn out with the Nepean team working hard to make it a great day for all. It was wonderful to see so many residents come out to support the initiative and it was a great opportunity to catch up with everyone, especially some residents who haven’t been out in the community for some time. We played games, gave away lucky door prizes, and raffled off items donated by local operators who were generous to give us gift vouchers in support of the good cause. We raised awareness with posters, a small speech and the team brought in their best listening skills. The goal was to make everyone feel as special as they deserve and the feedback we received throughout the day was fantastic. It was amazing to see the community coming together and share in smiles and laughter,” said Tina Andreanis, Community Manager at Nepean Shores.
“Here at Bridge Street, we held an R U OK? Day afternoon tea with a bit of a twist! Residents took part in ‘conversation bingo,’ when each resident arrived they picked a number out of a bag that had a table number and that is where they sat for the afternoon tea. It was a great way for residents to mingle with others they may not usually see around the community and make new friends. Everyone was a bit nervous to start with but by the end everyone said they were having a great time! I am proud to say, our residents have made a pledge to check in on their neighbours more regularly to ask R U OK?” said Fiona Stevenson, Community Manager at Bridge Street.
“Sunrise hosted R U OK? Day with huge success with over 100 residents coming down to participate and support. Our Grounds Staff cooked a sausage sizzle to perfection and many of our residents showed their support by wearing yellow. As the BBQ came to a close many residents moved onto playing bowls and took part in the afternoon aqua fitness as part of keeping a healthy body and healthy mind,” said Leisel Dawson, Community Manager at Sunrise.
“We held a great BBQ luncheon for residents at River Terraces! It was lovely to see everyone come together and enjoy lunch whilst taking part in a great initiative, especially for some of our newer residents so that everyone could mingle. Today was a really important day as the community has been affected by the floods. We were able to come together to have some fun, connect and check on each other,” said Sheridan Cooper, Community Manager at River Terraces.
“In support of R U OK? Day at Banksia Waters the team took part in the ‘community cruise’ where we loaded up one of the community golf buggies and visited residents throughout the community. It was great to share in conversations and check in on residents, along with having some laughs and sharing some sweet treats throughout the community,” said Linda Nicastri, Community Manager at Banksia Waters.
“We hosted a morning tea for our Dune Rise and Lake Macquarie residents in support of R U OK? Day. It was great to get together to chat and check in on one another. One resident shared with me she had been unwell for four weeks, so she felt very special coming today. We also delivered a few hampers to our residents who weren’t able to come down to the morning tea so that they felt included,” said Mark Allen, Community Manager at Dune Rise and Lake Macquarie.
“The Lakeland community held a BBQ in support of R U OK? Day, to encourage residents to engaged with one another and to help act as a reminder that they’re not alone. Myself and Rodney, the community Grounds Keeper, proudly wore our yellow R U OK? shirts whilst cooking up a whopping 3kg of onions and just under 80 sausages! It was a great morning connecting with residents and having important conversations,” said Christopher Tolland, Community Manager at Lakeland.
For further information and resources please visit the R U OK? Day website.