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27 October 2022

New TV Series Looks at the Ageing Journey in Australia

Hometown Australia are pleased to announce that we have participated in ‘The Best 30 Years’, a new series that looks at the ageing journey from 50 to 100+.

Specialists from a variety of fields including a doctor, physiotherapist, counsellor, solicitor, psychologist, dietician, dentist (and some public figures including Hugh Mackay and Dr. Norman Swan) are consulted about how to make our post-retirement years the best they can be by sharing useful advice about health, exercise, becoming more involved in your community, options for retirement living and estate planning.

Over 80 older Australians were interviewed throughout the series about their retirement paths.

Michelle from Beachfront, Hallidays Point

In the second episode of The Best 30 Years residents from Hometown communities at Beachfront Halliday Point and Sunrise in Port Stephens spoke about their experience living in a land lease community. This episode will screen on Saturday 29 October at 1pm on 9Gem..

Jane and Peter, Beachfront Community


• Episode 1 looks at the ageing journey and why we need to discuss, plan and act for better outcomes during the retirement years.


• Episodes 2 & 3 explore land lease communities and retirement villages. .


• Episodes 4 & 5 discuss home care and support.

• After each episode has been screened it will be available for viewing on 9Now.


Watch Episodes 1 and 2 below:

To learn more about Hometown Australia and the Land Lease Model please visit our website.