Resident Stories & Competitions
07 December 2021

Cycling to Kick Cancers Butt

Pedaling his way through the month of October, Bremer Waters resident Alan Lloyd, took part in this year’s Great Cycle Challenge to support and raise funds for life-saving research for childhood cancer.

Why? Cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in Australia with over 600 Australian children diagnosed with cancer every year and sadly, 3 children dying every week. The Great Cycle Challenge raises life-saving funds for the Children’s Medical Research Institute who continue to develop safer and more effective treatments, and endeavor to find cures for all childhood cancers.

“Cancer has taken too many lives and robbed too many kids of their childhood, so I pedaled over 400km this month to give cancer a good butt kicking and to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve,” said Alan.

In his second year participating in the challenge, you can bet that Alan’s wife, Sally, was his number one supporter. “We have had brushes with cancer ourselves and are so grateful to have five healthy grandchildren, but other families aren’t so lucky. Hearing the stories of children facing battles with cancer hits homes very differently for many people and I am so proud of Alan and his involvement with this incredible cause,” said Sally.

Bremer Waters resident, Alan Lloyd, cycling to kick cancers butt!

When asked how one prepares for the Great Cycle Challenge, both Alan and Sally laughed. “Well, we decided to take a shopping trip to Brisbane, and it turned out during our day out we came into contact with a positive Covid-19 case. We were directed to undertake a 14 day at home quarantine, and I thought what better time to start preparing for the challenge!” said Alan.

After moving his stationary bike onto the veranda, Alan worked on his fitness every afternoon whilst taking in the beautiful view of the Bremer River. “We are so lucky at Bremer Waters, everyone is so friendly and thoughtful. Once our neighbours heard we were in quarantine we had so many calls asking if we needed groceries or dinner dropped off. When Alan would be on his stationary bike many of our fellow residents would be walking around the river and could see Alan from a far training for the challenge. There was a lot of waving and support!” said Sally.

With a goal of riding 400km and a target to raise $500, Alan reached his riding goal of 429km and smashed his fundraising goal by raising a total of $1,052. “I was really taken aback by how the community rallied around and supported my involvement in the Great Cycle Challenge. We received many donations from neighbours and friends, and the bowls club made a very generous donation,” said Alan.

Alan and Sally have lived in Bremer Waters for two years after deciding to downsize to get ready for retirement. After purchasing a motor home, the Lloyd’s were looking for a secure home where they had the freedom to lock up and leave. “Alan’s former colleague introduced him to Bremer Waters and to be honest, I wasn’t interested in moving to a lifestyle community, but he convinced me to check it out. As soon as we walked through the Bremer Waters gates, we knew we were home. The gardens were absolutely beautiful, and you could feel the sense of community. We visited on a Saturday afternoon and were greeted by residents walking their dogs, bike riding, gardening… it was like a scene out of a movie,” said Sally.

“Bremer Waters has a true sense of community and we have not once regretted making the move,” said Alan.

Will Alan be returning for a third year?

“Absolutely, both Sally and I will be back next year to support the Great Cycle Challenge and raise life-saving funds,” concluded Alan.

Life at Bremer Waters Community

Nestled within the Brisbane countryside of Moores Pocket and neighbour to the picturesque Bremer River – Bremer Waters is a charming and relaxed community. There is always something to do with many enjoyable activities from craft afternoons, game nights, day trips on the community bus, and more. Meeting like minded people and feeling a sense of belonging is easy in this welcoming community.

Living an active life is a breeze with an impressive list of facilities including a tennis court, pool, bowling green and gym & wellness centre. Residents can enjoy the great outdoors by taking their pet for a walk along the riverbank, hosting a BBQ in one of the outdoor areas or simply enjoying a cup of coffee on the deck in the sunshine.

To learn more visit the Bremer Waters Community on our website.

To learn more about the Great Cycle Challenge, the life-saving research of the Children’s Medical Research Institute or how to get involved in the 2022 challenge. Please visit their website

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